
Image: Getty/Yagi Studio


1XBET:Let them eat plant-based cake

⛦ 🐬 By Oliver Morrison

Why is the dairy industry embroiling in a silly battle about the labelling of plant-based alternatives?

Image: Getty/Hinterhaus Productions

Boomer time: Time to target food and beverages at older cꩵonsumers

By Olive🌞r Morrison ꦬ

There’s a big opportunity for the food and beverage industry to launch products and ingredients formulated help meet the specific nutritional requirements of older consumers and help them stay healthier for longer, the recent FoodNavigator Positive Nutrition...

Image: Getty/Gremlin


Is consumer food waste giving the industry an un⭕fair rap ov🧸er emissions?

☂ By Oliver Morrison ﷽

New research suggests food wastage – much of which comes from people simply not eating what they buy – is a bigger problem than previously thought, which if cut in half would help remove around one-quarter of total greenhouse gas emissions from the global...

Airbus’s Pléiades Neo satellites will allow Nestlé to provide transparency in their reforestation efforts. Source: Nestlé

Satellites to drive transparency f🐭or Nestlé refore👍station

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton ไ 🅠

Nestlé will use Airbus’s Pléiades Neo satellites in an effort to ensure transparency in its reforestation efforts. The satellites will provide high-resolution images in order to help Nestlé demonstrate that the trees it plants are thriving. This is a...

Dryk are making plant-based milk which has a nutritional content close to that of cow's milk. Source: Dougal Waters/Getty Images

Danish company rethinks🐽 nutrition💧 of plant-based drinks

ꦏ By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton 🌱

Dryk, a Danish plant-based drinks company, is rethinking the nutrition of plant-based drinks. No longer content with just tasting like cow’s milk, its drinks are also close to the nutritional content of their dairy counterpart.

Join us at our upcoming event, Positive Nutrition Summit: Healthy Innovation for the Mass Market 29-31 March in central London GettyImages/10'000 hours

10 days to✱ go! Stage set for the Positive Nutrition Summit 2023

🦄 By Flora Southey

In ten days’ time, we’ll be gathering in central London for this year’s Positive Nutrition Summit: Healthy Innovation for the Mass Market. As we prepare to throw the spotlight on innovative approaches to healthier food and drink, here is a recap of our...